extruded handrails
These handrails feature cores with a channeled aluminum extrusion and a full radius on the edges. Using extreme pressure, the 3" wide extrusion is tightly roll formed and clad with a minimum .024" thick sheet metal in the finish of your choice. The channeled aluminum extrusion design of these handrails allows for easily adjustable spacer locations that can be slid along the length of the handrail and locked into place. Extruded Handrails come with a width of 3" - They come in an assortment of materials Such as stainless steel, bronze/Steel, and yellow brass. REQUEST A QUOTE BELOW AND HAVE ONE OF OUR SPECIALISTS PERFORM A SITE VISIT.

3." wide
Stainless Steel #4-Brushed Extruded Handrail
Aluminum Core
Channeled aluminum extrusion
Adjustable Spacers
Can be slide and locked